美國餐廳水產品消費量衰退一項最新的研究報告指出,美國人外食時點越多非油炸水產品,魚貝水產品的價格會越高,最後造成餐廳的水產品總消費量越見衰退。芝加哥專門從事市場研究的NPD集團認為,全美餐飲機構減少購買水產品對經濟及價格的衝擊並不亞於墨房屋二胎西哥灣原油外洩案。NPD進一步說明,水產品總消費量自2007年減少1%後未見好轉;2008年至2010年分別減少1%、6%及1%;2011年3月餐廳水產品消費量與蕭條的餐飲業交易量相比減少2%。 儘管水產品總消費量持續衰退,採用焗烤、水煮、炙烤或生食等手法烹調的鮭買屋網魚、壽司等非油炸水產品的銷量卻增加1%;截至2011年3月鮭魚及壽司的消費量分別成長1%及4%。NPD認為,非油炸水產品點餐率成長,應為廣受認同健康烹調法的50歲以上消費者(據統計為人口數增加最快速的年齡層)青睞所致。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, 居酒屋No. 14/2011,1 Aug. 2011) NPD: Seafood sales decline at restaurants While Americans are ordering more nonfried seafood selections when dining out, the higher price tag for fish and shellfish is contributing to an overall decline in 代償consumption in restaurants, according to a new study. The reduction in seafood purchases at foodservice establishments across the United States has more to do with the economy and price than disasters like the Gulf of Mexico oil 租辦公室spill, said The NPD Group, a market research company based in Chicago. Seafood consumption in restaurants fell by 2 percent compared with flat restaurant industry traffic for the year ended March 2011, NPD said. However, that decline 當鋪is a continuation of a longer-term slide that began in 2007 when total seafood servings decreased by 1 percent. They continued to fall by 1 percent in 2008, 6 percent in 2009, and 1 percent in 2010. But while seafood consumption 房屋二胎overall has been steadily eroding, the purchase of nonfried seafood such as salmon and sushi is up by 1 percent, with salmon servings growing 1 percent and sushi growing 4 percent for the year ended March 2011, the NPD report said. 591Nonfried seafood preparations may be baked, broiled, grilled or eaten raw. NPD said nonfried seafood orders are up because those individuals 50 and older — the fastest-growing segment of the population — are bigger seafood fans 酒肉朋友than the younger demographic. Older customers also are most inclined to mention cooking method as an important facet of a healthy meal.

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